Category: Palmistry

Sun Line and its importance in Palmistry

Palmistry according to me is the most accurate of sciences in the field of “past-present-future” readings and palmistry readings are done basis the lines on our hands. The most important lines always mentioned are the Line of Life, Line of Mind/Head, the Line of Heart, and the Line of Fate. But based on my experience I must say the one to focus on, is the Sunline. This is what makes all the difference to the way our hand is read.


Chakra Sadhana and why it is Important in Daily Life?

Chakra Sadhana is one of the most important and often forgotten aspects of daily life. It is an essential part of our day-to-day routine, and can bring balance to the body and mind. Let me explain about chakra sadhana – what it is, how it can help you, and why it’s so important!


Palmistry & the Power of Thoughts

As per Hindu scriptures, Samudra Rishi was the one who first invented the Science of Signs, also called as Samudrik Shastra. This is basically the science of seeing the signs of various parts of our body to predict the past, present and future. More…